Sunday, February 23, 2020

( early 1800's )How did Latin American labor systems change after its Essay - 1

( early 1800's )How did Latin American labor systems change after its transition from colony to nation and in the century that followed What were the historical forces that led to these changes - Essay Example The Indians and mestizos also were converted into religious, political and economic life of the Spanish and their freedom was limited. Latin America was made up of population of three castes. A group of whites had the power and owned property, another caste of whites controlled political offices and worked as small entrepreneurs while the third caste comprised of free persons of color who were African slaves and European planters (Meade, 63). Forced and migrant labor was evident. Labor in Latin America during colonization was in form of slavery or forced labor. The slaves were used in cultivating the vast sugar and cotton plantations owned by the Europeans and mining. According to Meade (62), the crown who ruled the colony prevented the merchants’ access to political office. Taxes and fines were also imposed on them as well as petty restrictions thereby limiting the markets for their produce. This forced them to work in European farms so as to earn a means of living. The colonial agents who were placed over them were corrupt and inefficient. The slaves were acquired from Africa and traded to work in European colonies which comprised of Latin America. The slaves worked under inhumane conditions which were life threatening and were not paid any wages. Indians provided labor in haciendas. After the slave revolt in San-Domingue, other states joined in revolts to demand independence. Peasants demanded rights to land and abolition of taxes. Haiti received independence in 1803, Peru and Mexico in 1821 and Brazil in 1822. After independence, slavery was abolished in Latin America except Brazil which relied heavily on slavery. During struggle for independence and World War 1, men left their homes to participate in the battle hence women resumed men duties. Women also performed some chores like sewing, nursing, soldiers and some became spies and managers of household farms (Meade, 74). They were thus absorbed in labor systems as opposed

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